Project Name
Central Newfoundland
Project Description
The PEG Property is located in Central Newfoundland, approximately 100 km southwest of the community of Badger.
The Property consists of 1 mineral license comprised of 181 claims and covers an approximate area of 4,525.00 ha. Title to these mineral licenses is 100% held by Sorrento Resources Ltd.
Anomalous lithium values up to 399.4 ppm were obtained from samples of coarse-grained pegmatite containing light green colored muscovite. The light green colour suggests that it may be lithium bearing. (Magyarosi, 2020).
The geological setting of the Snowshoe Pond pegmatite dykes is similar to that of the Superior Province pegmatites. They are located close to a major structural boundary between the Exploits and Meelpaeg subzones, and several are hosted in metasedimentary rocks of the Spruce Brook Formation. The grade of metamorphism ranges from greenschist to amphibolite facies, but is locally higher.

Geological Setting
- The Property lies within the Gander Zone
- Early Cambrian-Early Ordovician Spruce Brook Formation metasediments and migmatite form a belt that crosses the SE half of theProperty. In the north Early Cambrian-Mid Ordovician mafic plutonic rocks of the Gander Amphibolite (incl. Gabbro, diabase) occur
- Ordovician Snowshoe Pond Granite dominates the northwestern half of the Property
- Late Silurian-Early Devonian North Bay Granite Suite (Meelpaeg Granite) occur in the north and east
- NE-trending lenses of Late Silurian-Mid Devonian North Bay Granite intrude the Gander Amphibolite and Spruce Brook Formation
There is a well developed NE-trending major faults and folds on the Property. There is evidence of polyphase folding and domal refold patterns.
Soil Geochemistry
There is a distinct Lithium anomaly based on a single enriched soil sampling located near the northern border of the Property. Structurally this anomaly approximately corresponds with a domal fold position and mapped occurrences of the Meelpaeg Granite.
2023 Exploration Plan
- Prospecting, Sampling/Channel Sampling, Mapping
- Focusing on areas of geochemical anomalies and areas historically mapped as pegmatites, along with expanding these along strike.