Project Name
Central Newfoundland
Project Description
The Harmsworth Property is located in central Newfoundland, approximately 102 km southwest of the town of Badger.
The Property consists of 1 mineral license comprised of 50 claims and covers an approximate area of 1,250 ha. Title to this mineral license is 100% registered to Sorrento Resources Ltd.
Access to the Property is excellent, with an extensive network of logging in the area. The Property itself has a logging road covering the central portion of the claim block.
Potential for Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) deposits.
Tulks Belt hosts four (4) significant VMS deposits (Jack’s Pond, Daniel’s Pond, Bobby’s Pond and Victoria Mines).

Geological Setting
The island of Newfoundland was subdivided by Williams (1979) into four main Tectono-Stratigraphic zones described as the Humber, Dunnage, Gander and Avalon Zones. The Harmsworth Project is located along the western side of the Dunnage Zone within the Exploits Subzone. The Dunnage Zone has been described to represented vestiges of Cambro-Ordovician volcanic arc basins and ophiolites that formed in the Iapetus Ocean (Williams, 1995). With respect to the lithological make up of the Dunnage Zone, Squires (2005) observed the zone comprises a structurally telescoped assemblage of ophiolitic and arc to back-arc-volcanic rocks plus volcaniclastic to epiclastic sedimentary rocks that collectively represents remnants of early to middle Paleozoic oceanic terranes.
Williams et al (1988) subdivided the Dunnage Zone into 2 subzones based on a series of faults termed the Red Indian Line (RIL) that they considered is a main suture zone. They labeled the subzone north of the RIL the Notre Dame Subzone and the subzone south of the RIL the Exploits Subzone. The RIL located just west (10 kms) of the property is marked by a narrow shear zone which appears to record mainly sinistral shear movement. The positioning of the RIL separating the Exploits Subzone from the Notre Dame / Dashwoods Subzone to the west of the RIL is based on contrasts in Ordovician – Early Silurian structure, stratigraphy and fauna (Williams et al, 1988). Williams et al (1993) further subdivided the Exploits Subzone into two zones based on lithological contrasts. The project is approximately 8 kilometers west of the Valentine Lake structural corridor, also a significant structural zone along which the Valentine Lake Gold Deposits now being developed by Marathon Gold are situated approximately 20 kilometers southwest.
Property Geology
The Property is underlain by the northeast portion of the Tulks Volcanic Belt; an informally named formation belonging to the Victoria Lake Group. Regionally, the 498 Ma sequence consists of felsic pyroclastics and flows with interbedded mafic volcanic units and fine grained, commonly graphitic, sediments. The felsic volcanic rocks are typically dacitic to rhyolitic in composition.
At the north end of the belt, mafic volcanic rocks dated at 462 Ma are typically calc-alkaline which contracts with the tholeiitic affinity of the Tulks Belt. Work by BP geologists indicated that this sequence is in fault contact with the Tulks Volcanics belt in the vicinity of the Victoria Mines. These younger rocks, termed the Victoria Mines Sequence may in fact belong to the Buchans Group rather than the Victoria Lake Group.
The northern portion of the Tulks Belt hosts 4 significant volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits; Jack’s Pond, Daniel’s Pond, Bobby’s Pond and Victoria Mines as well as numerous showings such as the Roebuck, Sutherland Alteration Zones and the Parking Lot Showing.
2022 Exploration Highlights
- Ag assays from grab samples up to 19.7g/t (19,737 ppb Ag).
- Structurally complex corridor
- Recent logging in the area will allow for excellent access to the project
2023 Exploration Plan
- Prospecting, Geochemical sampling (soils)